To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, join us for the opening reception of ¿Estamos…? (We Are…?). Artists were asked to answer the question of their identity and place in the community.
What defines you? What defines your heritage? What is an enduring trait or characteristic of you? Do you have a feeling or sentiment in response to political, economic or social concerns? How do you see yourself in the world; how do you see yourself collectively as part of a group?
Louis Bardales•Daniella Ungo•Aespyne Brooks•Lilliana Reinoso•Mercedes Cardenas•Alondra Quezada• Caroline L.M•Jacqueline Valenzuela•Erinn Karis•Frankie Contreras•Christina Cosio•Ivonne Cruz• Frida Martinez•Amaya Lounibos•Ivette de Santiago•Siddra Mufti•Andrés Dominguez Fernandez•Jorge Alberto Jaén Hernández•Eugenio Salazar Castro